mythweb and more php fun

Well my second issue with PHP in a few days. This time it was MythWeb which is a web frontend for much of MythTV.

The issue arose after I finally upgraded my TV to Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.

Overall the upgrade went very smoothly and the only thing that wasn’t working was MythWeb.

Rather then the interface I expected I was presented with a blank page. The would have been handy if I needed to print of some blank pages, but I really was more interested in managing my MythTV.

As always, the idea to look at the logs (which by now should be second nature to me) took much longer than it should. Once I opened the logs though I had something I could sink my trouble shooting teeth into. What I saw was this:

<b>Fatal error</b>: Unknown: Cannot use both zlib.output_compression and output_handler together!! in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />

Once again the answer lay in the a .htaccess file. Since there was one present as part of the MythWeb install, I just modified that.

I edited the file so that it the following items were commented out:

#php_value zlib.output_compression 16384

#php_value output_handler NULL

#php_flag output_handler "NULL"

After that MythWeb began working perfectly.

A little odd that I now have had two PHP related issues in under 2 weeks …


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